Friday, 27 November 2009

Together at last

Another drawing I forgot to add
And a drawing of the two characters together

Big guy alternatives?

More attempts to get the big guy to a different place

Big guy

Early Sketches of the big guy

3 Different attempts, 3 differetn body types and faces
More random attempts
Finalized version

More Concept art

Trying to capture the texture of the character, as well as maybe the environment. Again, the idea is to get the most extreme poses, and then going lighter is always easier. This is unfinished.

Concept Art

Trying to get our character in his darkest moment, as it's raining and he's going for his axe. I thought it'd be good to draw our character at his most extreme, just so that we have that as reference

Character expression

Some facial expressions for our character

Keeping on track

Our team decided to keep on the same track, and keep our character intact, and so I did some more drawings, now with the finalized characer

Maybe not

The character so far has been the product of agreement and compromise. Something between an african mask and a person, between a tree and a human. I was somewhat pleased with it. After our assesment though, my character designs were slaughtered and disapproved of by Mike, so I tried to come up with alternatives.


But as we were going along, we started to figure out what our story was really about. Two ways of lives colliding. Humble, earth-loving, modest - someone who is content with what is his and does not want what he hasn't got. This is where my drawings took a more focues direction
And when this Drawing came, Nathan finally found a drawing that clicked for him (On the left)
And then came some more attempts to really capture him, though they were narrowing down

Early concepts

At first, I was somewhat clueless as to how we want our characters to look like, so I was shooting in all directions

Cartoon, realistic, fat, thin, tribal, humanoid, etc etc

Visual research

At the same time as trying to understand where the story is going, we were trying to cement the visual style of the animation. The way I saw the story initially is as something very traditional and tribal. I looked at a few somewhat 'exotic' cultures, to try and see where we could go with this.